Primary reflexes and their influence on motor and speech development
Mgr. Marja Volemanová, Institut neuro-vývojové terapie a stimulace
Article published 1/2020, Primární reflexy a jejich vliv na motoriku a řeč. Listy klinické logopedie, 1/2020. ISSN 2570-6179. Available at
Vývoj motoriky, primární reflexy a vývoj řeči spolu souvisí. Ale jak? Denně pracuji s dětmi s přetrvávajícími primárními reflexy. Tyto děti mívají problémy ve škole (poruchy učení, soustředění pozorností), s motorikou (horší hrubou i jemnou motoriku, grafomotoriku a koordinaci pohybů), mají autistické symptomy, nebo mají problémy s řečí, čemuž se věnuji v tomto článku. Ráda spolupracuji s logopedy, abychom nabídli co nejkomplexnější přístup a péči dětem s těmito potížemi. Cílem tohoto článku je tedy stručně a srozumitelně vysvětlit souvislosti mezi primárními reflexy a vývojem motoriky a řeči. V závěru pak i krátce zmíním možnosti intervence, které mohou i (kliničtí) logopedi zařadit do své logopedické praxe.
Klíčová slova
Psychomotorický vývoj, vývoj řeči, hrubá motorika, jemná motorika, primární reflexy, Neuro-vývojová terapie, Neuro-vývojová stimulace
Development of motor skills, primary reflexes and speech development stick together. But how? Daily I work with children with persistent primary reflexes. These children have problems at school (learning disorders, attention deficits), motor skills (worse gross and fine motor skills, worse graphomotor skills, coordination of movements), autistic symptoms, speech delay and articulation disorders, which is topic of this article. I like to work together with speech therapists to offer children with these problems the most comprehensive approach and care. The aim of this article is to briefly and clearly explain the link of primary reflexes to motor development and their influence on speech development. In conclusion, I will briefly mention the possibilities of intervention, which (clinical) speech therapists can include in their speech therapy practice.
Psychomotor development, speech development, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, primary reflexes, Neuro-developmental therapy, Neuro-developmental stimulation
From the above, it follows that the development of gross and fine motor skills is fundamental for the ability to communicate verbally. According to research conducted by Bilbilaj in 2017, 71.4% of children with delayed speech development also had persistent primitive reflexes, such as the palm grasp reflex, sucking reflex, and rooting reflex (Bilbilaj, 2017). Therefore, it is important for (clinical) speech therapists to be able to identify persistent primitive reflexes and to master at least basic intervention techniques to inhibit these reflexes.
Several methods for inhibiting primitive reflexes are used around the world, the most well-known being Rhythmic RTM Training, INPP Method, and MNRI Method. In the Czech Republic, the most widely used methods are Neurodevelopmental Stimulation (NDS) and Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT) (not to be confused with neurodevelopmental therapy, which is a term sometimes used to refer to a group of therapies that includes approaches such as the Bobath or Handle therapy). NDT is a highly individualized therapy that combines inhibition of primitive reflexes with physiotherapy, special education, and sensory integration. NDT is used for children from approximately 3-4 years old, but it is also effective for adults. Treatment is based on simple exercises, which often mimic movements triggered by primitive reflexes, to develop proper connections in the brain and gradually inhibit these reflexes. The activity of persistent primitive reflexes is thus naturally suppressed through exercise, leading to the disappearance of associated difficulties.
Neurodevelopmental Stimulation (NDS) is a program that is based on Neurodevelopmental Therapy. NVS is primarily suitable for (special) educators, (clinical) speech therapists, and other professionals who work with children with learning, behavioral, and communication disorders. The NVS program is designed so that these professionals do not need to have a background in anatomy and kinesiology. Tests and exercises are designed to be easily used for larger groups of children.
I believe that Neurodevelopmental Therapy and Neurodevelopmental Stimulation can be successfully utilized, among other therapies, in the comprehensive rehabilitation of speech disorders.
Celý článek je dostupný na:
VOLEMANOVÁ, M. Primární reflexy a jejich vliv na motoriku a řeč. Listy klinické logopedie, 1/2020. ISSN 2570-6179. Dostupné na