Certified NDS centers
See where you can find certified Neuro-Developmental Stimulation centers near you.
Map of certified NDS centers
Fyzioland Rehabilitation Clinic - Prague
Fyzioland is a rehabilitation clinic providing occupational therapy and physiotherapy for children and adults.
In children's occupational therapy, we treat children with neurodevelopmental disorders, difficulties associated with sensory processing disorders, dyspraxia and developmental dysphasia, reduced ability to concentrate attention, uneven psychomotor development, autism spectrum disorder and rejection of certain food components. As part of occupational therapy, we use the Sensory Integration method, the Neuro-developmental stimulation program, Handle and Snoezelen elements. Ergotherapy in combination with physiotherapy enables the child's comprehensive (sensory, cognitive and movement) development.
Play and fun is our main means of therapy!
Contact informations:
Fyzioland s.r.o
+420 775 910 749
Denisa Červinková – Prague
I am a special education teacher with many years of experience. I started as a school special pedagogue and then worked for over ten years in a pedagogical-psychological consultancy.
I specialize in specific learning disabilities, behavioral difficulties and preschool preparation. In the long term, I rely on perceptual motor training and social skills training from the use of video recordings. I've been using NVS a lot in recent years.
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Denisa Červinková
+420 739 662 740
Petra Ibrahimová, special educator, canister therapist - Praha
For every consultation, diagnosis, therapyor the lesson, I will come to your home or anywhere where your child feels comfortable.
In my practice, I focus on children:
in pre-schoolol age or with a postponement of school attendance as part of preparation for 1st grade
at school age
in order to stimulate and prevent learning and behavioral disorders
as a means of personal development (development of attention, internal motivation and self-confidence, ability to work with mistakes, use of effective strategies in solving problems, development of emotional intelligence, organization and planning)
for children from a foreign-language environment (strengthening language skills)
for children whose parents are dyslexic
for children with difficulties in speech development
for school children who are weak in reading in the first years of schooling
for gifted children
In addition to Neuro-developmental stimulation , I am a certified canistherapist and lecturer of Feuerstein's instrumental enrichment, Elkonin's method of developing language skills, programs KUPOZ, KUPREV, HYPO and others.
Contact informations:
Petra Ibrahimová
+420 602 552 839
Speech therapy Statenice, Mgr. Markéta Hrušková - Statenice
Clinical speech therapist Markéta Hrušková provides expert speech therapy care, neuro-developmental stimulation and special pedagogical care (orientation assessment of school readiness, preschool preparation and remedial exercises for children with specific developmental learning disabilities)
Contact informations:
+420 775 037 612
Speech therapy Statenice, Mgr. Markéta Hrušková - Statenice
Clinical speech therapist Markéta Hrušková provides expert speech therapy care, neuro-developmental stimulation and special pedagogical care (orientation assessment of school readiness, preschool preparation and remedial exercises for children with specific developmental learning disabilities)
Contact informations:
+420 775 037 612
Speech therapy Statenice, Mgr. Markéta Hrušková - Statenice
Clinical speech therapist Markéta Hrušková provides expert speech therapy care, neuro-developmental stimulation and special pedagogical care (orientation assessment of school readiness, preschool preparation and remedial exercises for children with specific developmental learning disabilities)
Contact informations:
+420 775 037 612
Speech therapy Statenice, Mgr. Markéta Hrušková - Statenice
Clinical speech therapist Markéta Hrušková provides expert speech therapy care, neuro-developmental stimulation and special pedagogical care (orientation assessment of school readiness, preschool preparation and remedial exercises for children with specific developmental learning disabilities)
Contact informations:
+420 775 037 612
Speech therapy Statenice, Mgr. Markéta Hrušková - Statenice
Clinical speech therapist Markéta Hrušková provides expert speech therapy care, neuro-developmental stimulation and special pedagogical care (orientation assessment of school readiness, preschool preparation and remedial exercises for children with specific developmental learning disabilities)
Contact informations:
+420 775 037 612
Central Bohemian Region
Speech therapy Statenice, Mgr. Markéta Hrušková - Statenice
Clinical speech therapist Markéta Hrušková provides expert speech therapy care, neuro-developmental stimulation and special pedagogical care (orientation assessment of school readiness, preschool preparation and remedial exercises for children with specific developmental learning disabilities)
Contact informations:
+420 775 037 612
PhDr. Vladika Pirichová
Private special teaching practice - Mníšek pod Brdy
In my practice, I offer help to parents and children, especially if they encounter failure at school. During my life, I have taught in regular classes, but also in classes for children with learning disabilities. I also worked at a primary school as a special education teacher. I have always been inclined towards independent learning, which is why I initiated the educational program Začít together at the local primary school with a group of parents in Mníšek pod Brdy. I educate my children at home, and that was also one of the reasons why I founded the Podbrdský club with a colleague - a free path, which is intended for homeschoolers.
In my practice, I use many support programs that help me succeed in education.
Contact informations:
PhDr. Vladika Pirichová
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská - Mladá Boleslav
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská focuses mainly on children with specific learning and behavior disorders. She is the owner of the Lachtánek Baby Club, where she devoted herself intensively for 20 years to teaching infant swimming and developing children's development from the point of view of proper psychomotor development. In recent years, she also worked as a teacher at the 1st grade of elementary school. Now she works as a special educator at an elementary school.
In his private practice, which is a certified NVS workplace in Mladá Boleslav, he provides diagnosis, follow-up intervention and care for children and adults with difficulties in coping with school duties. Last but not least, also for children of preschool age. In my work, I use many re-education programs, among them the program We learn by movement, which is aimed at inhibiting persistent primary reflexes. The services are now also focused on tutoring pupils and preparing for entrance exams. The range of services and programs provided can be found on the personal website http://poradenstvi.lachtanek.cz
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská
+420 734 273 007
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská - Mladá Boleslav
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská focuses mainly on children with specific learning and behavior disorders. She is the owner of the Lachtánek Baby Club, where she devoted herself intensively for 20 years to teaching infant swimming and developing children's development from the point of view of proper psychomotor development. In recent years, she also worked as a teacher at the 1st grade of elementary school. Now she works as a special educator at an elementary school.
In his private practice, which is a certified NVS workplace in Mladá Boleslav, he provides diagnosis, follow-up intervention and care for children and adults with difficulties in coping with school duties. Last but not least, also for children of preschool age. In my work, I use many re-education programs, among them the program We learn by movement, which is aimed at inhibiting persistent primary reflexes. The services are now also focused on tutoring pupils and preparing for entrance exams. The range of services and programs provided can be found on the personal website http://poradenstvi.lachtanek.cz
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská
+420 734 273 007
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská - Mladá Boleslav
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská focuses mainly on children with specific learning and behavior disorders. She is the owner of the Lachtánek Baby Club, where she devoted herself intensively for 20 years to teaching infant swimming and developing children's development from the point of view of proper psychomotor development. In recent years, she also worked as a teacher at the 1st grade of elementary school. Now she works as a special educator at an elementary school.
In his private practice, which is a certified NVS workplace in Mladá Boleslav, he provides diagnosis, follow-up intervention and care for children and adults with difficulties in coping with school duties. Last but not least, also for children of preschool age. In my work, I use many re-education programs, among them the program We learn by movement, which is aimed at inhibiting persistent primary reflexes. The services are now also focused on tutoring pupils and preparing for entrance exams. The range of services and programs provided can be found on the personal website http://poradenstvi.lachtanek.cz
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská
+420 734 273 007
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská - Mladá Boleslav
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská focuses mainly on children with specific learning and behavior disorders. She is the owner of the Lachtánek Baby Club, where she devoted herself intensively for 20 years to teaching infant swimming and developing children's development from the point of view of proper psychomotor development. In recent years, she also worked as a teacher at the 1st grade of elementary school. Now she works as a special educator at an elementary school.
In his private practice, which is a certified NVS workplace in Mladá Boleslav, he provides diagnosis, follow-up intervention and care for children and adults with difficulties in coping with school duties. Last but not least, also for children of preschool age. In my work, I use many re-education programs, among them the program We learn by movement, which is aimed at inhibiting persistent primary reflexes. The services are now also focused on tutoring pupils and preparing for entrance exams. The range of services and programs provided can be found on the personal website http://poradenstvi.lachtanek.cz
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská
+420 734 273 007
Plzeňský kraj
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská - Mladá Boleslav
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská focuses mainly on children with specific learning and behavior disorders. She is the owner of the Lachtánek Baby Club, where she devoted herself intensively for 20 years to teaching infant swimming and developing children's development from the point of view of proper psychomotor development. In recent years, she also worked as a teacher at the 1st grade of elementary school. Now she works as a special educator at an elementary school.
In his private practice, which is a certified NVS workplace in Mladá Boleslav, he provides diagnosis, follow-up intervention and care for children and adults with difficulties in coping with school duties. Last but not least, also for children of preschool age. In my work, I use many re-education programs, among them the program We learn by movement, which is aimed at inhibiting persistent primary reflexes. The services are now also focused on tutoring pupils and preparing for entrance exams. The range of services and programs provided can be found on the personal website http://poradenstvi.lachtanek.cz
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Dana Zábranská
+420 734 273 007
Liberec region
Denisa Žáková - Nový Bor
At the elementary school in Nové Bor, Denisa Žáková works on the prevention, diagnosis and correction of learning and behavior disorders using a holistic approach. In children, it solves, for example, inattention, poor school performance, symptoms of ADHD, ASD, specific learning disorders.
At work, she uses the method of Neuro-developmental stimulation, correction of partial weakening of performance (DOV), compiles individual relaxation exercises, deals with psychosomatic connections, including work with early traumas. He collaborates with many experts, mainly from the field of psychology and special pedagogy.
Contact informations:
Denisa Žáková
777 997 360
KidStim, a little bit every day! – Liberec
KidStim helps children who suffer from school or social failure. He works with learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, with developmental dysphasia, with children who have difficulties in the area of movement. We teach parents how to learn with their children, so that they can be a support to them before the crucial school tests. We also teach children how to learn with their parents and not drive them crazy. KidStim further develops the intellect of preschoolers and supports children in effective work during the one-year postponement of school attendance.
The Liberec PPP sympathizes with us, the speech therapy clinic and we also have support in the Liberec hospital for children's rehabilitation.
So come with us, a little bit every day.
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Ludmila Vrbová Řepková
phone: +420 776 732003
Ústecký kraj
KidStim, a little bit every day! – Liberec
KidStim helps children who suffer from school or social failure. He works with learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, with developmental dysphasia, with children who have difficulties in the area of movement. We teach parents how to learn with their children, so that they can be a support to them before the crucial school tests. We also teach children how to learn with their parents and not drive them crazy. KidStim further develops the intellect of preschoolers and supports children in effective work during the one-year postponement of school attendance.
The Liberec PPP sympathizes with us, the speech therapy clinic and we also have support in the Liberec hospital for children's rehabilitation.
So come with us, a little bit every day.
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Ludmila Vrbová Řepková
phone: +420 776 732003
Jihočeský kraj
KidStim, a little bit every day! – Liberec
KidStim helps children who suffer from school or social failure. He works with learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, with developmental dysphasia, with children who have difficulties in the area of movement. We teach parents how to learn with their children, so that they can be a support to them before the crucial school tests. We also teach children how to learn with their parents and not drive them crazy. KidStim further develops the intellect of preschoolers and supports children in effective work during the one-year postponement of school attendance.
The Liberec PPP sympathizes with us, the speech therapy clinic and we also have support in the Liberec hospital for children's rehabilitation.
So come with us, a little bit every day.
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Ludmila Vrbová Řepková
phone: +420 776 732003
KidStim, a little bit every day! – Liberec
KidStim helps children who suffer from school or social failure. He works with learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, with developmental dysphasia, with children who have difficulties in the area of movement. We teach parents how to learn with their children, so that they can be a support to them before the crucial school tests. We also teach children how to learn with their parents and not drive them crazy. KidStim further develops the intellect of preschoolers and supports children in effective work during the one-year postponement of school attendance.
The Liberec PPP sympathizes with us, the speech therapy clinic and we also have support in the Liberec hospital for children's rehabilitation.
So come with us, a little bit every day.
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Ludmila Vrbová Řepková
phone: +420 776 732003
South-Moravian region
Edial center sro - Brno
Edial centrum s.r.o. is a private consulting workplace in Brno. The center aims to prevent, eliminate or at least alleviate symptoms related to behavioral and learning problems. These problems can be inattention, poor school performance that does not correspond to the child's IQ, manifestations of AD(H)D, autistic elements, symptoms of various specific learning disabilities, and the like.
For this purpose, we use the method of neuro-developmental stimulation, EEG biofeedback and programs that develop partial functions of children and pupils. We work with various experts. To the widest extent, mainly with experts in the field of orthoptics and speech therapy.
Edial centrum sro, Palackého třída 33, Brno
Contact informations:
+420 770661299
The Kouzelen Center is a safe space for children and parents who do not have it easy. Children with difficulties in school. Children who do not experience success because of various difficulties in reading, writing and arithmetic. Children who are restless and explosive, and also for children who have difficulties with eating.
We provide special pedagogical care in which we combine knowledge from neurodevelopmental stimulation, the Handle approach, the Snoezelen concept and the concept of playing with food. We help children with specific learning disabilities to find ways to master the given skill and knowledge within the framework of individual tutoring. We also provide Snoezelen therapy and leisure activities. We offer education and counseling to caregivers, parents and teaching staff as part of the care of children.
Náměstí 1. kvetna 63, Kuřim 664 34
Contact informations:
+420 724 303 201
A Moment with a Pencil Center - Brno
The Moment with a Pencil Center is a private counseling center in Brno dedicated to developing the potential of child clients who are struggling with various difficulties, most often educational and emotional. It provides psychological and special-pedagogical support in the form of diagnostics and subsequent intervention.
We work in a team of a special educator - a psychologist. We approach clients comprehensively, with respect for their personality and the context of their family environment. Depending on the type of problem being solved, our approach mainly uses the principles of neuro-developmental stimulation (neuro-motor development, inhibition of primary reflexes), Feuerstein's instrumental enrichment (overall cognitive development) and DB Elkonin (development of language skills). We also work closely with an orthoptist and other specialists as needed.
Contact informations:
PhDr. Lenka Štěpánková, Ph.D. and M.Sc. Vera Pražáková
777 847 885, 777 576 602
Ed's consulting room - Brno
Private special pedagogical consultancy
What can we help with? Primary reflexes, preschool preparation, the Maxík, Elkonin program, speech therapy counseling, reading and writing re-education,...
How do we do it? Mainly playfully, fun and with love!
Contact informations:
Ed's consulting room
Sylva Vespalcová
+420 608928388
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Private special teaching practice Klára - Brno
Private special pedagogical practice Klára operated by Mgr. Klárou Jabůrková provides support to children with special educational needs and their parents. The goal of SSPPK is that every child can experience success and feel good about their education and their life.
Using individually tailored support, it focuses on correcting and alleviating educational difficulties related in particular to persistent primary reflexes, learning and attention disorders and ASD. Children with other difficulties and those whose difficulties do not yet have an official name are also welcome
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Klára Jabůrková
776 396 418
Olomouc region
Elementary and Kindergarten Olomouc, Svatoplukova 11, contribution organization
I work in a kindergarten in the Sunshine class. This class is designed for children with impaired communication skills between the ages of 5 and 7. In my practice, I strive for individual development and strengthening of weakened areas of the child's psychomotor development. As part of the educational process, we offer children and their parents neuro-developmental stimulation as one of the support programs. Our class cooperates with a clinical speech therapist, a school psychologist, a special pedagogical center for speech therapy and other experts.
ZŠ and Kindergarten Olomouc, Svatoplukova 11, add. org.
Svatoplukova 11
779 00
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Pavla Štainerová
On Trati 82, Olomouc
585 425 524
Zlín Region
Lantern - for children and parents, zs - Zlín
Lantern is for families with children of an early age, up to 12 years old.
Lantern is for children who do not do some things as well as others (in communication, mental abilities, motor skills, socialization, self-care). These are mainly children with delayed development, attention problems, children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The lantern is for parents who perceive that their child is in something different, but do not know exactly what. As part of Lampion's programs, it offers parents methodical guidance on how to develop a child, how to communicate with him, always taking into account the individual needs of the child and the family. Lantern is also for those who work with families. It offers them professional seminars, workshops and lectures.
Contact informations:
Lantern - for children and parents, zs
+420 737 704 171
Lantern - for children and parents, zs - Zlín
Lantern is for families with children of an early age, up to 12 years old.
Lantern is for children who do not do some things as well as others (in communication, mental abilities, motor skills, socialization, self-care). These are mainly children with delayed development, attention problems, children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The lantern is for parents who perceive that their child is in something different, but do not know exactly what. As part of Lampion's programs, it offers parents methodical guidance on how to develop a child, how to communicate with him, always taking into account the individual needs of the child and the family. Lantern is also for those who work with families. It offers them professional seminars, workshops and lectures.
Contact informations:
Lantern - for children and parents, zs
+420 737 704 171
Moravian-Silesian Region
Petra Fritsch - Ostrava
I am a private workplace in Ostrava and in my work I deal with early trauma, primary reflexes, children with delayed school attendance, children with learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, developmental dysphasia, children with in the area of speech development, movement and emotional immaturity.
I support a holistic approach and in my work I connect elements of neurodevelopmental stimulation, craniosacral therapy, Handle approach, early trauma, psychosomatics, kinesiological test, flower essences.
I lead movement activities of Háďata in kindergartens, maternity centers and for children with developmental dysphasia, where I include movement elements in primary reflexes and developmental kinesiology.
Contact informations:
Petra Fritsch
+420 775 234 669
The road to development – Baška (near Frýdek-Místek)
Private special pedagogical consultancy
In my private practice, I focus on the comprehensive development of children who struggle with various difficulties in the areas of speech, learning and behavior. Based on the diagnosis, I create an individual development plan for the child, which I supplement with other comprehensive methods such as Elkonin language skills training, Neuro-developmental stimulation, KuPOZ.
Most often, my clients are children who already have a diagnosis, whether in the area of speech (dyslalia, delayed speech development, developmental dysphasia), learning (dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.) or behavior (most often ADD/ADHD). Children whose parents are not sure whether their development is in order for a successful start at school are also welcome.
For me, the greatest reward is a smiling child who looks forward to the lesson and is happy with his own progress. All this in an environment full of trust, understanding and a partnership approach.
Contact infocat:
Lindovská Petra
Baška 604, Baška, 739 01
+420 721 552 603
Kindergarten Horný Hričov
The motto of our kindergarten is: "Let the happiness and wisdom of children be the happiness of parents and the gift of our school."
Our main goal is to prepare a child for elementary school, while we approach each child individually. We are the first certified workplace in Slovakia that works with the methodology of the NVS Pohybem se účime® program. The program is aimed at inhibiting persistent primary reflexes, where regular practice of simple exercises is not only preventive, but also helps in the diagnosis and correction of learning and behavioral disorders in the overall understanding of the child as an individual personality. We practice daily with preschoolers during morning exercises or exercise time, while we inform parents about each child's progress and work closely with them when practicing at home. We offer parents individual consultations in order to prepare their child for primary school together.
Contact informations:
M.Sc. Gabriela Čanecká
+421 904 562 508