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Neuro- Developmental Stimulation

Persistent primary reflexes - a neglected factor in learning and behavioral problems

Neuro-Developmental Stimulation aims to address the root cause of many learning and behavioral issues. Persistent primary reflexes can lead to difficulties with writing, reading, symptoms associated with ADHD and ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech and vision impairments, back pain, neuroses, chronic fatigue, anorexia and autism.

Primary reflexes have a significant impact on fundamental physical and psychological response patterns. Every baby responds to stimuli with innate primary reflexes that are automatic, stereotyped movements originating in the brainstem. During the first months of life, primary reflexes ensure vital functions and help the brain learn to properly control bodily functions, such as processing visual and auditory information, balance and spatial awareness, gross and fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination, among others.

NDS Learning through Movement©

Neuro-Developmental Stimulation (NDS Learning through Movement©) is a comprehensive program focused on inhibiting primary reflexes. The tests and exercises are based on the child's psychomotor development.The program is structured over 30 weeks, but exercises can be extended as needed. The exercises are conducted every (school) day, approximately 5-10 minutes per session. Among the key principles of NDS, it's important to begin by enhancing children's balance, combining the inhibition of primary reflexes with improved sensory integration, and only later adding additional skills.  Neuro-Developmental Stimulation can be implemented by professionals such as speech therapists, psychologists, educators, and special educators, after successfully completing the Introductory theoretical course and the Advanced practical course of  NDS Learning through Movement®.

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